Saturday, 25 September 2010

Sounds like Autumn

Heya there friends!

Can you believe it's autumn again!! Wow, I think Autumn is nearly my favourite month...I love the magic of the leaves revealing their true colours, and then spiralling to the ground to begin a new it!

Today I saw the first leaf fall, and I thought of hot chocolates and big coats and plum lipstick(dunno why but don't hate!)...Yeh Autumns a beautiful season, so bring it on coz at least we can expect cold weather, and not have to run around worrying whether we will be freezing in a barely-worn summer dress, or sweating like a pig in the old turtle-neck ey ;-)...hate the unpredictability of english summers!

Anywho, here's a wee little poem I wrote a little while ago about Autumn, I wanna share it with you, hope you like it.....

The First time I saw the leaves fall
My heart fell too.
I wondered whether they'd ever return at all.
I wept as I watched that last leaf fall...

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