Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Giving up...

Hey guys,

It's been a few days since my last post, and I wanted to share some thoughts with you... I post a lot about the things that look good , but I think it's only fair that I also touch on the reality of the struggles that I face so much... Giving up is one of those struggles!!!...

I have spoken to so many musicians over the years and I am always surprised when the musician I most want to be like, turns around and tells me that they constantly feel like giving up...like being in any other industry than music...I'm always shocked, but secretly comforted that I am not the only one who feels like all my efforts just aren't enough sometimes, like maybe I'm going to fail, and struggle to reach my full potential. So I wanted to encourage any readers who are going through that season, where what they're working towards seems further and further away, despite the fact that they've been running faster than their legs are happy with, and for longer than their heart can bare...Keep running... slow down if you need to, and take stock, but don't give up, persevere...

Here's a cheesy, but oddly inspirational video that sums this all up perfectly... enjoy...


  1. nice one gabster. i hear you loud and clear. nice to hear a few minor chords for once!

  2. Not cheesy! OK the man's voice is, but the content is realest thing I've heard all day. Thanks for this. Hope you're good sis; looking fwd to catching up you and Mr G. Keep keeping on,
    listened to 'Carry Me' on the iPod this morning, get better with each spin, just came up on random. peace! vs
